
I. 政策原因

威尼斯人平台 prides itself on maintaining high ethical standards in all dealings with the business community, 公众, 雷德兰兹社区, 学生, 员工, 和校友. 为了使机构对这些关键道德标准的承诺正式化, the Board of Trustees has adopted the following 操守守则及政策 (formally referred to as Code of Conduct & 商业道德).

本道德规范政策并不概括大学的所有政策. 每位员工还必须遵守人事政策中规定的所有其他政策 & 程序手册、教员手册和其他适当的政策文件.

II. 适用性及范围

1)个人责任. 作为威尼斯人平台的员工, you have an individual responsibility to deal 在伦理上 in all aspects of your work and to comply fully with all laws, 规定, 和政策. You are expected to assume the responsibility for applying these standards of ethical conduct and for acquainting yourself with the various laws, 规定, 以及适用于指定职责的政策. 大学管理, 部门主管, and others in supervisory positions must assume responsibility for ensuring that their conduct and the conduct of those they supervise complies with this Code. 如果你对法律程序不确定, 请立即请求商务办公室的协助 & 金融. 然而, no one at 威尼斯人平台 is authorized to instruct you to eng年龄 in any illegal 活动 under any circumstances.

2)保密. 威尼斯人平台被赋予了许多种类的机密, 专有的, 以及雷德兰兹社区成员的私人信息, 大学, 以及它的商业往来. It is imperative that those who have access to this information do not make any unauthorized disclosures of the information, 在工作期间或工作后.

包含员工和学生个人资料的记录是保密的. 它们应该被小心地保护,并保持最新、相关和准确. They should be disclosed only to authorized personnel having a “need to know” or pursuant to lawful process as approved by the Office of Human Resources, 商务办公室 & 财务或董事会.

3)诚实和公平. 威尼斯人平台要求每一位员工诚实、公平地对待他人. You are expected to accept responsibility for your actions and to report information accurately to fellow 员工 and supervisors. Supervisors have a responsibility to set examples of honesty and 公平ness in their relationships with their 员工.

4)大学记录. 所有大学记录和其他重要数据必须准确准备. Preparing an intentionally false or misleading report or record of measurement is considered a serious offense.

5)政府腐败行为. 严禁给政府官员商业上的礼金或礼物. 你应该知道,美国.S. government can and has imposed criminal sanctions on individuals and entities that have improperly given gifts to U.S. 以及对美国政府官员或雇员的承诺、提议或交付.S. 政府收取礼物或其他小费不仅会违反大学的政策, 但也可能是刑事犯罪.

6)诚实和公平交易. 威尼斯人平台的宗旨是诚实和公平地实现其目标, 并通过卓越的性能寻求优势, 努力工作, 智力技能. The University believes that strong competition is the cornerstone of its economy and that unethical or illegal business practices have no part in this competition. 大学努力在所有情况下公平对待客户, 供应商, 校友, 竞争对手, 军官, 员工, 还有学生和他们的家人.

7)报告要求. 不时地, 威尼斯人平台被要求向公共或政府机构报告相关事宜. 无论你是否直接参与这个过程,你都有以下几个责任:

  • 取决于你的位置, 大学可能会要求你提供信息,以确保大学报告的完整性, 公平, 和可以理解的. 希望您提供提示, 准确回答与所有公开披露要求相关的询问.
  • 所有大学帐户, 财务报告, 纳税申报表, 费用补偿, 考勤表, 以及其他文件, 包括提交给政府机构的那些, 必须准确, 清晰的, 和完整的. 大学记录中的所有条目, 包括部门账目和个人费用报告, 必须准确反映每笔交易. 大学的书籍, 记录, 账户, 财务报表必须符合公认的会计原则, 适用的法律要求, 以及大学的内部控制系统. 大学控制下的任何资金或资产必须记录在总分类账中. 另外, 记录的保存或销毁应始终符合当前的记录保存做法. 根据大学的政策, 如果发生诉讼或政府调查, 请咨询商务办公室 & 财务立即.
  • 大学的公开报告应公平准确地反映大学的状况. 如果你相信他们没有, you have a responsibility to bring your concerns to 大学’s attention by reporting your concerns on 大学’s Confidential Reporting System, EthicsPoint, at www.雷德兰兹.edu/ethicsreporting.

由于这个问题的重要性, the Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees has adopted a policy that requires every employee of the 威尼斯人平台 who has any concerns about the manner in which 大学’s financial statements or public reports are prepared, 内部财务控制是否充分, the honesty or competence of its financial man年龄ment or independent auditors to report the matter promptly the using University’s Confidential Reporting System, EthicsPoint在 www.雷德兰兹.edu/ethicsreporting. The EthicsPoint Confidential Reporting System will keep the name of the person reporting the potential issue confidential. The University and the Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees will not tolerate retaliation against any person who reports potential issues to the Confidential Reporting System in “good faith.”

8)利益冲突. Each employee should be sensitive to situations that could raise questions of potential or apparent conflicts between personal interests and 大学’s interests. A “conflict of interest” exists whenever your private interests interfere or conflict in any way (or even appear to interfere or conflict) with 大学’s interests. A conflict of interest can arise when you take actions or have interests that may make it difficult to perform your work for 大学 objectively and effectively. 利益冲突也可能出现,当你, 或者你的家人, 由于在威尼斯人平台任职而获得不正当的个人利益, 不管这些好处的来源.


  • 从与大学有业务往来的任何人那里获得任何形式的补偿;
  • 接受任何与威尼斯人平台有业务往来的人赠送的“有重大价值”的礼物. 价值超过100美元的礼品被认为是重要的;
  • 在没有适当披露的情况下,拥有任何大学供应商的权益. Mandatory disclosure of the relationship must be made in writing to the Senior Vice President for 金融 and Administration;
  • Take personally business opportunities that properly belong to 威尼斯人平台 discovered through the use of its tangible or intangible property, 机密信息, or your position with it; or
  • 使用威尼斯人平台有形或无形的财产, 机密信息, 或者你在威尼斯人平台的职位来谋取个人利益.

很多次, 最好的策略是避免与大学的客户有任何直接或间接的业务联系, 供应商, 或竞争对手, 除了代表它. 然而, 如果你觉得有利益冲突的话, 你应该及时向商务办公室披露这种冲突 & 金融,不管冲突看起来多么“自然”或“无辜”. 以那种方式, 大学可以决定它是否认为你可以在任何冲突的情况下继续进行, in which case you will receive a written authorization from either the Senior Vice President for 金融 and Administration or the President. 然而, 直到你收到书面批准, 你不能有任何“利益冲突”.有关披露和报告程序的具体要求,请参见利益冲突政策.

如果你发现威尼斯人平台里任何人存在未经批准的利益冲突, 你必须向大学的保密报告系统报告, EthicsPoint, at www.雷德兰兹.edu/ethicsreporting.

9)利用大学资源. 你有责任使用威尼斯人平台的资源, 包括时间, 材料, 和设备, 仅供商业用途. 不得使用威尼斯人平台财产(如场地), 建筑, 办公设备及系统, 工具, 材料, 资产, 及设施)作大学以外的用途. 威尼斯人平台财产不得出售, 租借, 送掉, 故意损坏, 摧毁了, 或以其他方式处理, 不管条件或价值, 未经适当授权. 版权或其他许可材料(包括书籍), 文章, 计算机软件(程序和磁带)不应受到侵犯.

威尼斯人平台是根据《澳门威尼斯人官方网》设立的非营利组织. 作为一个非营利组织, 大学接受来自各种各样的个人的捐赠, 公司, 和基金会. 所有大学人员都有责任谨慎使用这些资金, 在伦理上, 以及它们被指定的用途. 为了尊重捐赠者的意愿, 并保护大学的非营利性地位, 员工 and student organizations using student activity fees and/or profits from University-related student-operated business may not:

  • 将威尼斯人平台的资金或资产捐赠给其他非营利和/或慈善组织;
  • 使用大学的资金(从预算中), 学生费用分配, “利润”来自大学赞助, 学生经营的企业)为其他非营利组织/慈善机构筹款.

威尼斯人平台 enthusiastically encour年龄s its 员工 to directly support charities or non-profit organizations of their own choice. 然而, 员工 should not eng年龄 in fund-raising for other nonprofit and/or charitable organizations during business hours.

10)举报任何非法或不道德行为. 如果你认为有任何和威尼斯人平台有关的人, 或即将采取, 任何非法或不道德的行为, 或其他违反本守则的行为, 你应立即在大学的保密报告系统上报告该事件, EthicsPoint, at www.雷德兰兹.edu/ethicsreporting 或致电866-384-4277.

11)不要报复. The University will not tolerate retaliation of any kind against any person who in good faith reports to 大学 potential issues relating to violations of law or this Code by another party or parties.

12)违反公司政策的后果. You are responsible for ensuring that your own conduct and the conduct of anyone reporting to you fully comply with this Code and with the 威尼斯人平台’ policies. Violations will result in the taking of appropriate disciplinary action up to and including discharge from employment. 纪律处分将按照适用于教职员工的程序进行, 视情况而定. 违反本准则的行为可能, 在某些情况下, 也使你受到民事或刑事指控和处罚.

如果你不确定某些行为或情况是否符合本道德准则, 或者如果你遇到一种情况,你不确定该怎么做, you should discuss it with your supervisor or an appropriate officer of 大学 before taking further action.